• Minimize Nitrogen Loss – #60

Use “UpGRADE” and/or “Treble” to minimize Nitrogen loss

in Late Fall/Winter field applications of Urea, UAN and Anhydrous Ammonium

                                                                                                                        CL#60, September 2013


Nitrogen Fact # 1:   Of the major forms of Nitrogen (N) only Nitrate nitrogen and Ammonia nitrogen are considered to be “plant-available”. By minimizing the loss of these plant-available forms to the air or water, crop yields and efficient fertilizer use will be maximized.

 UpGRADE & TREBLE reduces nitrogen loss


Nitrogen Fact # 2: All Nitrate and Ammonia nitrogen-based fertilizers have the potential to volatilize. Top-dressed urea fertilizers generally have the greatest potential for ammonia volatilization. The most significant ammonia nitrogen volatilization from applied urea typically occurs during a two to three week period after application, assuming it is not incorporated by tillage, rain, or irrigation. The rate of ammonia nitrogen volatilization depends on the rate of urea breakdown in water (urea’s conversion to ammonium), weather conditions following application, and several soil properties making volatilization variable and difficult to predict under field conditions.

The use of UpGRADE & TREBLE in your Nitrogen source reduces leaching and volatilization


Use UpGRADE for Urea Nitrogen Loss

UpGRADE is a unique polymer blend slow release agent designed to coat prilled urea.

  • To minimize Nitrogen/Ammonia loss you need at least .25 inch of rain to move the urea into the soil. Now if the soil is totally dry, no reaction happens after the urea is applied. However, with any moisture present in the soil, uncoated urea normally changes and converts to ammonia, nitrates and carbon dioxide– the volatilization cycle. UPGRADE interrupts this cycle and reduces volatilization.
  • A number of soil and climate factors interact to affect ammonia volatilization from urea. As a result, it is difficult to predict precisely how much N will be lost in a given situation.
  • Surface soil moisture at the time of urea application and rainfall or irrigation after application plays the biggest roles in affecting volatilization loss. Applying during cool periods is no longer thought to ensure minimal volatilization loss.
  • Urea should not be applied in situations that promote significant volatilization unless you use UpGRADE on urea along with best management practices to minimize loss. If the soil is totally dry, no reaction happens. However, with any moisture present, along with the ever-present enzyme, urease, uncoated urea normally changes and converts to ammonia, nitrates and carbon dioxide.
  • This loss of urea can occur in 2-4 days and happens quicker on high pH soils. The urea is then depleted in the soil. Unless it rains, urea must be incorporated during this time to avoid ammonia loss.


  •  UpGRADE reduces urea dissolution and the potential for volatilization over the competition and untreated urea from 25% to 50% when used at the 2 to 4 quart rate per ton of urea.
  • When UpGRADE is applied to urea, it provides more uniform nitrogen availability for your crops. Its slow release polymer formula blend allows for nitrogen release. UpGRADE minimizes urea dissolution and volatilization.
  • UpGRADE eliminates another trip over the field, saving money and time.

Use Treble for UAN Solutions and Anhydrous Ammonia (AA)

Use Treble at 3-qts/ton of UAN.

  • TREBLE is a unique blended liquid polymer slow release agent designed to be added to UAN solutions to improve nitrogen efficiency by encompassing the UAN with the TREBLE and hooking it to the soil. The UAN is then available in the soil/root zone for a longer period of time than UAN alone.
  • TREBLE maintains UAN availability for your crops. Its slow release polymer formula blend hooks the UAN to the soil and releases it during essential stages of plant root development.
  • Without TREBLE, UAN loses its ammonia at a faster rate after application to the soil. TREBLE mixes with the UAN and holds onto the UAN in the spray process and allows the mixture to hook to the soil. This process reduces nitrogen loss through leaching and keeps the nitrogen longer in the soil.

Add TREBLE to the UAN solution while mixing, agitating and recirculating. Add Treble prior to adding pesticides or surfactants. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), NIOSH/MSH respirator and neoprene gloves during handling. If possible, keep solution agitated at all times for best results. At any time, if the rig is left unattended or not agitated, it is desirable to agitate the mixture before use. TREBLE is designed to stay in solution/suspension once it is initially agitated; however, due to unforeseen conditions some tanks may be dirty, causing the mixture to be unbalanced. Other conditions, such as alternating cold spells can be a factor in amixture not staying in solution.


Another Up-To-Date Subject:

 Use “HOOK” with Fall Applications of Herbicides

“As this growing season comes to a close, there is also greater potential for weed growth after harvest. Early harvesting and warm fall weather may give weeds an opportunity to produce more seed…. controlling this is important in early spring plantings. HOOK aids in maintaining herbicide residual on weeds to reduce fall weed seed that can spread over fields.”


CL 60 Use UpGRADE and-or Treble to Minimize Nitrogen Loss (PDF)

Vol. 7 #7