Category Archives: Cropline Newsletters
All About Adjuvants – #70

HOOK is “The Multi-Functional” reacted polymeric adjuvant to choose for assistance in herbicide control of resistant weeds.

Late Soybean Spraying – #68

Spray your soybeans with Fungicides, Insecticides, Herbicides, and Fertilizers later in the season for better yields.

Spring Burndown & Tank Cleanout – #67

Time spring burndown properly. Clean spray equipment after each use.

Fall Weed Burndown – #66

Fall weed burndown prepares your fields for spring planting.

Dicamba & 2,4-D Spray Drift Control with HOOK – #65

Tips to prevent non-target spray injury to crops.

HOOK & Mic-Ro-Pac Give You Control – #64

Prepare for Late Spring Weeds, Insects & Fungus

HOOK and Hard-to-Control Weeds – #63

HOOK’S proven technology provides you with the needed advantage.

Spring Is Sprung – #62

HOOK is the No-Till Advantage in the Spray Tank

TREBLE Is Here – #61

TREBLE Can Help Sustain Nitrogen in Early Soil Application

Minimize Nitrogen Loss – #60

Minimize Nitrogen loss in late Fall/Winter field applications.