- May 15th, 2014
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- HOOK and Hard-to-Control Weeds – #63

Proven Technology provides you with the needed Advantage to kill “Hard-to-Control” Weeds
CL #63, May 2014
Growers need to be proactive and develop a plan that targets “Hard-to-Control” weeds during all phases of the cropping system. Make HOOK part of that plan with all your herbicide sprays.
In SOYBEAN Sprays,
Use HOOK Adjuvant to control weeds like Marestail and Waterhemp
- Marestail and Waterhemp are most problematic to soybeans, especially the plants that emerge in May and June.
- They both compete with soybeans through-out the growing season and reduce crop yield. Marestail and Waterhemp mature in late summer or early fall, and large mature plants can interfere with soybean harvest. Use HOOK Adjuvant with all sprays to achieve control of noxious weeds.
- Effective control of Marestail and Waterhemp can yield up to an additional 14 bushels of soybeans per acre.
- Most populations of Marestail and Waterhemp in prone regions are resistant to glyphosate, and will not be controlled by burndown or post-emergence applications of glyphosate alone.
- Being glyphosate-resistant means farmers need to pay extra special attention to herbicide application timing so they can try to control Marestail and Waterhemp during early growth stages when it is most treatable. It also means soybean growers likely will need to use a cocktail of other herbicides to achieve Marestail and Waterhemp control. Using Hook Adjuvant in this spray solution gives the farmer the ad-vantage needed to control these and other noxious weeds, including Common Ragweed, Giant Foxtail, Velvetleaf and annual Morning Glory.
- Always follow pesticide label directions and “Add HOOK Last” to the spray tank.
Use HOOK for Hard-to-Control weeds like KOCHIA and Other Broadleaf Weeds
Kochia is one of the most troublesome weeds across the Great Plains. If not controlled, Kochia can cause serious yield reductions in crops, including corn and sugar beets. The weed’s aggressive growth and prolific seed production enable it to spread and compete with crops for moisture, light, and nutrients. Farmers need to be proactive and develop a comprehensive plan that targets kochia and the control of other weeds during all phases of the cropping system. Other yield-robbing culprits in corn and sugar beet fields include Common Ragweed, Lambstail and Waterhemp.
- To control glyphosate-resistant kochia, tank mixtures of Roundup agricultural herbicides, herbicides with other modes of action and the addition of HOOK Adjuvant, need to be used.
- Using herbicides and HOOK Adjuvant, with post emergence and soil residual activity over multiple growing sea-sons can provide a system to effectively control weeds and help to prevent the spread of herbicide resistance. Kochia and other weeds can be easier to control in corn because there are more effective herbicide options.
- Always follow pesticide label directions and “Add HOOK Last” to the spray tank.
The Pigweed Horror Story
Across the South and Mid-West, there’s a weed that man can no longer kill. It’s called pigweed, and for decades farmers con-trolled it by spraying their fields with herbicides. The increasingly common sight of chopping crews hoeing their way across Mid-South fields is testament to the fact that herbicides alone are no longer effective. Pigweed is one formidable weed. It grows up to three inches a day and at its base it’s as thick as a baseball bat. It kills crops and destroys heavy machinery, keeping farmers from bringing their combines and cotton pickers into the fields. In the Mid-South, it is choking more than a mil-lion acres of soybeans and cotton. Mother-nature has provided pigweed with diabolic capabilities.
- It thrives in fields where a single crop is planted, year after year.
- It adapts to the use of a sole herbicide in Roundup Ready and has developed resistant variations.
- Weed scientists warned about that; it was pre-ordained by nature, they insisted. And, as more weeds were selected out for resistance, the scientists were proven correct.
To maximize your control of the PIGWEED horror story,
- Rotate your crops,
- Use other herbicides
- Use HOOK Adjuvant to make the most of your herbicides.
Why HOOK Adjuvant is more effective than Crop Oil and Methylated Soybean Oil Concentrates
They say that Crop Oil Concentrates (COC) and Methylated Soy-bean Oil (MSO) should be the only adjuvant to be used with your herbicide because they are natural….whoever “they” are, are wrong! Crop Oils are highly concentrated mineral or vegetable oils that have been treated with added chemicals. The oil can coat and suffocate the plant during stress times.…sure, killing weeds may help work for them, but damaging plants by suffocating them is not helpful! Don’t get the “Oil Burn” using COC’s and MSO’s”.
Use HOOK Adjuvant because it wets the plant, coating and spreading the active ingredient in the spray tank…and sticking it to the surface to allow it to hold and penetrate using HOOK’s unique formulation blend of ingredients. It does not burn plants to control weeds. HOOK’s rain-fastness allows the pesticide to remain in-place longer and HOOK’s drift control function means the spray stays in the plant zone for more effective control. Use HOOK Adjuvant and always “Add HOOK Last” to the spray tank.
HOOK Adjuvant used at 1-2 quarts per 100 gallons is the only “Complete” Adjuvant to Assist Herbicides to Maximize their Activity because……..
- HOOK Adjuvant is a wetting agent that works with herbicide spray solutions by breaking the surface tension of water & helping the water transfer from herbicide particle to herbicide particle; and..
- HOOK Adjuvant in the herbicide spray solution causes the surface tension to be reduced in such a way that it easily spreads into a very thin film over the plant surface; and……
- HOOK Adjuvant is a sticker which causes the herbicide spray solution to adhere to the leaf surface, resisting rain, evap-oration and runoff; and……
- HOOK Adjuvant works as an activator in the herbicide spray solution to dissolve or penetrate waxy layers on weeds and allow the herbicide to interface with weed plant cells “free space” to effectively control the weed; and……
- HOOK Adjuvant in the herbicide spray solution has unique abilities to penetrate the crop’s canopy for better control of the drift and the deposition of the spray solution in, around and under all surfaces, including the weeds. Al-ways “Add HOOK Last” to the spray tank.
As described above, Plain and Simple…….HOOK Adjuvant does the job it was designed for. HOOK Adjuvant assists in the herbicide spray solution in controlling weeds in fields allowing the corn, soybean or cotton to maintain their health, ultimately giving a better yielding crop.
CL 63 Hook and Hard-to-Control Weeds (pdf)
Vol. 8 #3