- June 15th, 2013
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- Wet Weather Means HOOK & Fungicides – #57

It’s Early Summer…WET WEATHER IS HERE.
Fungus on Plant Surfaces Eats up Profit! Use HOOK !
CL#57, June 2013
Fungus Causes:
Each year, the occurrence of most funguses is heavily dependent on weather conditions during the early growing stages of the plant. Rain, cool temperatures, high relative humidity, and moist soil favor the growth of the fungus if it is present. However fungus detection and crop management decisions interact strongly with weather to determine the risk of production losses caused by fungal growth. Fungal control is helped with the use of fungicides and adjuvants.
HOOK is the complete adjuvant to use with your fungicide. Read on about funguses, the use of fungicides and how HOOK interacts with the fungicide to minimize crop damage to allow for higher yields.
Most plant diseases – around 85 percent – are caused by fungal or fungal-like organisms. However, other serious diseases of food and feed crops are caused by viral and bacterial organisms. HOOK works with fungicides to help control funguses. HOOK also works with pesticides to control viral and bacterial organisms, however we will discuss fungal control here.
Here are a few examples of common signs and symptoms of fungal plant diseases:
Fungal disease signs: A sign of plant disease is physical evidence of the pathogen
- Leaf rust (common leaf rust in corn)
- Stem rust (wheat stem rust)
- Sclerotinia (white mold)
- Powdery mildew
Fungal disease symptoms: A symptom of plant disease is a visible effect of disease on the plant.
- Birds-eye spot on berries (anthracnose)
- Damping off of seedlings (phytophthora)
- Leaf spot (septoria brown spot)
- Chlorosis (yellowing of leaves)
Correct Fungicide Choice:
When choosing a fungicide, be aware that there are 19 different fungicide chemical groups, each one with a FRAC number. Each fungicide on the market has on its label a FRAC number relating to a code that represents the mode of action of individual fungicides. To avoid the selection of fungicide resistance, fungicides with the same FRAC code should not be tank mixed or alternated with fungicides with the fame FRAC number in a spray program. For more information on FRAC codes on fungicides, contact a professional in your area who can help you select a fungicide for your specific needs, or an APTC sales person.
HOOK was designed to work with all fungicides by keeping the chemical on the surface longer so the fungicide can do its job, based on what class the fungicide is and how that class works. HOOK works with all classes of Fungicides; just follow the pesticide label instructions.
HOOK “is” the only “Complete” Adjuvant to Assist Fungicides to Maximize their Activity because……………
- HOOK is a wetting agent that works with fungicide spray solutions by breaking the surface tension of water & helping the water transfer from fungicide particle to fungicide particle; THEN..
- HOOK in the fungicide spray solution causes the surface tension to be reduced in such a way that it easily spreads into a very thin film over the plant surface; AND……
- HOOK works with all classes of Fungicides listed in the FRAC Code numbering system; including the Quinone Outside Inhibitors, FRAC code 11 fungicides.
- HOOK is a sticker which causes the fungicide spray solution to adhere to the leaf surface, resisting rain, evaporation and runoff; AND……
- HOOK works as an activator in the fungicide spray solution to dissolve or penetrate waxy layers on leaves and allow the fungicide to interface with plant cells “free space” where fungus grows; AND……
- Hook in the fungicide spray solution has unique abilities to penetrate the plants canopy for better control of the drift and the deposition of the spray solution in, around and under the plant surfaces.
As described above, Plain and Simple…….HOOK does the job it was designed for. HOOK assists in the fungicide spray solution in controlling fungus to maximize its control allowing the plant to maintain its health, ultimately giving a better yielding crop.
A little blatant advertising here…… After spraying with Hook…
“We Politely suggest you use Work-Horse to clean out that spray tank!!
CL #57 WEB Its Early Summer – Wet Weather is Here (PDF)
Vol. 7 #3