HOOK ZERO is the next generational ECO Friendly premium adjuvant – now NPE Free. It is more than a “single purpose adjuvant”  and will enhance the effectiveness of pesticides and other agents that control or eliminate unwanted weeds, insects, and fungus. You don’t need multiple adjuvants when HOOK ZERO is used. HOOK ZERO has superior adhesion to plant surfaces, improving contact activity which means more efficient spreading and penetrating power for your active ingredients.

  • ECO Friendly – Does not contain nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs)
  • Adapts to the type of pesticide solution used
  • Has excellent proven drift control
  • Helps spray solution stick to the target
  • Optimizes coverage and improves penetration
  • Reduces droplet bounce-off
  • Reduces foam
  • Has wetting properties for all types of leafy surfaces


Please follow all label instructions.

Hook Adjuvant

Use Rates

ONE RATE – 1 quart per 100 gal of spray mix (see label for additional recommendations)


2 x 2.5 Gallons per case Tote / Mini-bulk 275 gal

Let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

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APAG is a leading provider of specialized chemistries to maximize resource and biological performance potential while considering environmental impact.